
Friday, October 8, 2010

Ron Dryden shares some family photos

Glenda made some rice pudding, which is her brother Marvin
Dryden's favorite dessert. Marv, who lives in Hawaii, was not able to
attend the reunion, however, this picture of Harold, Glenda and Ronald
Dryden with Marv's favorite dessert was sent to him for him to enjoy. Marv really appreciated that.

Marv went to a high point in Honolulu, the Punch Bowl, where he looks to the East. It appears he may possibly be looking for a way to get back to Kansas to enjoy some of his favorite dessert.

Glenda enjoyed some quality time with her dad.

Ronny and Glenda Schuft (Dryden) traveled from Glencoe Minnesota to Hutchinson Kansas in August to visit family and Glenda's dad, Bob Dryden.


The Fall Edition of the Linc's Links Newsletter has been completed and will be mailed out on Saturday, October 9th! Yea! The input was great! It will also be emailed. If you have comments - add them to this post for improvement, what you want to see...etc.!